核子 是质子、反质子、中子与反中子的总称,是组成原子核的粒子。它由夸克和胶子组成,属于重子。 原子核是由一个或多个核子密集组成,这些核子又分为质子(红色)及中子(蓝色)两种。图中的质子和中子像粘在一起的小球体,但根据现代核物理学,实际的原子核却非如此。要准确描述真实的原子核,必需要用到量子力学。例如,在真实原子核里,每个核子都同时处于多个位置,分布于整个原子核。
••核子 核子(Nuclear) (Nuclear)、生物 、生物(Biologic) (Biologic)、、 化学 化学(Chemical) (Chemical)这三种武器总称为 这三种武器总称为 NBC NBC...
... nuclear park 核基地, 原子能区 nuclear particle 核子 nuclear particle spectrum 核粒子谱 ...
核子黎明 Nuclear Dawn
核子木属 Perrottetia
欧洲核子研究组织 CERN ; European Organization for Nuclear Research
欧洲核子研究中心 CERN ; european centre for nuclear research ; CERN The European center for Nuclear Research
欧洲核子中心 CERN
内盖夫核子研究中心 Negev Nuclear Research Center
核子的 [核] nuclear ; nucleonic ; new
核子动力潜艇 nuclear submarine ; Atom-U-Boot ; submarine nuclearpowered ; nuclear-powered submarine
反核子 [核] antinucleon
Currently three kinds of pavement density testing technologies are listed in specifications in China,including the Core Drilling Method,Nuclear Density-humidity Meter and Non-nuclear Density Meter.
参考来源 - 沥青路面密度无核检测技术的发展及应用·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
What you see is near the nucleus that the density is the strongest and that the dots are the closest together.
But luckily for us, there's a classical equation of motion that will, in fact, describe how the electron and nucleus change position or change their radius as a function of time.
We're going to be looking at the solutions to the Schrodinger equation for a hydrogen atom, and specifically we'll be looking at the binding energy of the electron to the nucleus.
How far you are away from the nucleus in terms of a radius, they don't depend at all on those two angles, theta they're independent of theta phi and they're independent of phi.