胺基酸(Acidic Amino acid):可去除老旧角质,使肌肤明亮有光泽。并有效抑制紫外线引起的色素沉淀。 植酸(Phytic acid):有效剥离角质细胞,并可刺激基底母细胞增生新细胞,兼具美白、抗氧化作用。
... myo-inosito;alkovert;fytic acid;hexakis(dihydrogen phosphate) myo-inositol 六(二氢磷酸)肌醇钙镁盐;肌醇六磷酸钙镁;植酸钙镁;菲酊;菲汀;肌醇六磷酸酯钙镁盐;Myo-inositol, hexakis(dihydrogen phosphate), calcium magnesium salt;Phytin;hexakis(dihyd...
... 植酸;肌醇六磷酸;环己六醇六磷酸酯;phytic acid 植酸; 肌醇六磷酸酯; 环己六醇磷酸酯;Inositol hexaphosphoric acid…… 肌醇六磷酸酯;植酸;六磷酸环己六醇酸;六磷酸肌醇酯;inositol hexaphosphate…… ...
腐植酸 humic acid ; HA-K ; humus acid
植酸酶 phytase ; Phytase from wheat ; Natuphos
植酸钠 [生化] Sodium Phytate ; phytic acid dodecasodium from rice ; Phytic acid sodium salt hydrate ; Phytic acid dodecasodium salt
腐植酸钾 KHM ; Potassium humate ; HAK ; Humic acid
植酸钙镁 Phytin ; Fytic Acid ; Myo-in ; fityna
腐植酸钠 NaHA ; Sodium Humate ; NaHm
植酸盐 phytate ; phytin ; fityniany
植酸钙 Calcium Phytate ; Phytin ; Phytic acid calcium salt
植酸锌 Zinc phytate
Phytase gene is transfered to maize shen 137 to enhance the quality of the crop, and to solve the problem of animal absorbing of nutrients and degrading of phytic acid in feeds.
参考来源 - 植酸酶基因线性化片段转化玉米的研究Phytase, myo-inositol hexaphosphate phosphohydrolase, is the enzyme that release P from phytate P. Cellulase tend to destroy cell wall to release nutrients.
纤维素酶能降解细胞壁,从而促进细胞内容物中养分的释放。 单胃动物不能分泌植酸酶和纤维素酶等非淀粉多糖酶。
参考来源 - 植酸酶和纤维素酶对蛋鸡生产性能和营养物质利用的影响The ratios of phytate/calcium,phytate/iron,phytate/zinc,phytate×calcium/zinc were 0.10,2.1,4.4 and 34.9 respectively with no significant difference between boys and gifts(P>0.05).
参考来源 - 膳食植酸摄入量对补钙青少年钙、铁、锌代谢的影响·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The enzymatic characteristics of phytase from Aspergillus fumigatus were studied.
Phytic acid is a natural antioxidant and accelerant of fermentation.
The production methods and application and development prospect of phytic acid are introduced.