欠(拼音:qiàn)是汉语通用规范一级字(常用字)。此字始见于商代甲骨文,其古字形像人张口出气打哈欠的样子,本义即打哈欠,即人在疲倦时张口出气。气出则不足,故引申为不够。由此引申为借别人的财物没有还或应当给人的事物还没有给。痴呆者常呈张嘴之状,故欠又引申指痴呆。 欠是汉字部首之一。用“欠”作意符的字多与气息有关,如:欷、歔、欬。困倦时舒气会产生舒服的感觉,从“欠”的字有的表示愉悦,如:欢、欣。 (基本信息栏主要参考资料: )
vt. owe
misc. lack of ; less than ; not enough
欠债 debt ; owe ; lack ; in arrears
哈欠 yawn ; Yuan &yawn
欠款 arrears ; [会计] debt ; money owed
欠发达地区 underdeveloped areas ; less developed areas ; Underdeveloped area ; less-developed regions
拖欠 [会计] Arrears ; delinquencies ; beinarrearswith
应在人上欠 Accounts Receivable
拖欠农民工工资 the "missing" or delayed wages of migrant workers
打哈欠 yawn ; Sneeze ; ywning
不欠债 [贸易] out of debt ; to be out of debt ; keep one's head above water ; out t of debt
And then there's the little matter of the fifty pounds you owe me.
Socrates turns that into the statement that justice means paying your debts and returning what is owed to you.
Would you do that if justice means paying your debts "? and giving back to each what is owed?"
They had to cooperate with other people that they owe a debt to society and that that's expressed in taxation.