河虾广泛分布于我国江河、湖泊、水库和池塘中的河虾(学名叫日本沼虾(Macrobranchium nipponense)),是优质的淡水虾类。肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,营养丰富,是高蛋白低脂肪的水产食品,颇得消费者青睐。
... 我们需要从游泳中学会游泳 » We need to learn to swim 河虾 » River shrimp 不过你的动作要温柔些 » But your actions should be gentle ...
蟹黄河虾 Crab Yolk and River Shrimps ; crab yolk and river shrim
盐水河虾 Boiled shrimps with salt ; Saline River shrimp ; saltwater river shrimp ; Brine shrimp
拟河虾科 [无脊椎] parastacidae
冻河虾 frozen river shrimp
鲜豌豆炒河虾仁 Saut ed Shrimps with Fresh Beans ; ed Shrimps with Fresh Beans
手剥河虾仁 Hand-peeling Shrimp River ; Hand Peel River shrimp ; Hand stripping river shrimp
河虾茼蒿粥 River shrimp garden chrysanthemum porridge
河虾卫生标准 Hygienic standard for shrimp
水晶河虾仁 Crystal River Shrimps ; peeled shrimps stir-fried
River shrimp, ginger powder, chopped scallion, rice wine, refined salt, MSG, sugar, refined oil.
Only swim freely in the water, and really master it, like two swimmers.
The best part of this dish is the fact that the entire shrimp can be eaten, shell and all.