[行业英语] 机械专业词汇-U ... underwaterbed下游河床 underwaterblasting水下碎裂 underwatercutting水下切割 ...
依法治国 the rule of law ; the governance of the country must always be done according to the law ; law-based governance
法治国家 the strategy of building a country under the rule of law ; a law-based country ; law-based country ; Rechtsstaat
法治思维 the concepts of rule of law ; a rule-of- law culture in guiding our thinking ; think in terms of the rule of law
法治政府 law-based government ; government administration based on the rule of law ; A law-based government
全面依法治国 comprehensively promote law-based governance ; to fully advance the law-based governance ; a comprehensive framework for promoting the rule of law
依法治军 to run the armed forces in accordance with the law ; law-based governance of the military
社会主义法治国家 socialist country based on the rule of law ; a socialist country ruled by law; a law-based socialist country ; a socialist law-based country
法治方式 methods of rule of law ; a rule-of- law culture in guiding our work
法治社会 law-based society ; A law-based society
Forth, west rule of law in of discuss again system and apocalypse.
参考来源 - 民事审判监督程序之重构(研究生论文)Realization of justice is an important embodiment of civilized rule by law.
参考来源 - 民事诉讼代理价值论(研究生论文)The fourth part is the government by law environment which Our country Enterprise tax planning needs.
参考来源 - 企业税收筹划法律问题研究Chapter five is to improve Chinese nomocracy under the view of tax contract theory.
参考来源 - 税收契约理论研究Aristotle systematically compared rule by law and rule by men in his Politics,and pointed that rule by law is better than rule by men.
参考来源 - 给法家一个公允的说法——从亚里士多德对法治和人治的比较看先秦法家的“以法治国”With the establishment of the principle of socialist market economy andprinciple of law-ruling in China, legality news report is gaining more and moreattention from the media and has become the spotlight of journalistcommunication.
参考来源 - 对我国法制新闻的传播学思考·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Badly written legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of democracy.
There is no cure for the disease, although drugs can slow down its rate of development.
I am confident that we can restore peace, stability, and respect for the rule of law.
Yet Aristotle's conception of our political nature seems to require standards of justice that are natural or right for us.
Aristotle raises the question a very important question whether the rule of law is to be referred to the rule of the best the best individual.
What does count as a violation is an arbitrary taking because that would essentially say, not only to Bill Gates, but to everyone, there is no rule of law.