请举手回答 » Please raise your hand to answer 烦 累 » Tired tired 无形资产是保证企业获得利润甚至超额利润的必要源泉 » Intangible assets were needed to ensure the profits of enterpri...
... responsible, speak their minds and seeking common ground while reserving differences, the atmosphere in 烦 累 » Cumber 罗宾侠 » Luo Binxia ..
麻烦 Trouble ; bother ; troublesome ; inconvenience
烦躁 [医] dysphoria ; Fidget ; Irritable ; temper
厌烦 be tired of ; be fed up ; Boredom ; sit shotgun
少年维特的烦恼 The Sorrows of Young Werther ; Die Leiden des jungen Werthers ; Werther ; rainieyangofficial ; die leiden des jungen werther
烦恼 trouble ; worry ; annoyance ; annoy
成长的烦恼 growing pains ; Growing Pains the 1st season ; Grown Pains ; pains
简除烦苛 to cut red tape
不耐烦 Impatient ; impatient at sth ; impatience
烦人的橙子 The Annoying Orange ; annoying orange ; Annoying Orange The Onion Ring
false It's going to return true if it's a PAIL-indrome and false if it's a PAL-indrome. And it says true. Now maybe you're bugged by this.
So for those of you who are nerdy enough to understand the next sentence let me just say it.
I know you're bugged by my bad humor, but too bad. Maybe you're bugged by this, saying wait a minute, how does this thing stop? This is the kind of definition that your high school geometry teacher would have rapped your knuckles over.