...词 : 火焰 传播 扩散 热 气体 动力学 不稳定 形状 [gap=1035]Keywords : Flame, Propagation, Diffusion, Thermos, Gas, Dynamics, Instability, Shape ..
热点 hotspot ; hot ; heat spots ; xinwen
热狗 [食品] hot dog ; Sausage ; hotdog ; mc hotdog ; hot dog
热电偶 [电] thermocouple ; TC ; thermoelectric couple ; [电] thermoelement ; thermocouple
里约热内卢 GIG ; Rio de Janeiro Brazil ; RIO
黄热病 [内科] yellow fever ; YF ; fiebre amarilla
换热器 [热] heat exchanger ; thermal transducer ; GGH ; HeatX
热辐射 [热] thermal radiation ; [热] heat radiation ; caloric radiation ; infrared radiation
热处理 [机] Heat Treatment ; heat treating ; Heat treatment machines and equipment
热情 Passion ; Enthusiasm ; zeal
So by using the tabulated data, we can really determined heats of formation for most reactions that you might contemplate, OK?
I mean, the weather is always nice. I mean, it never gets too cold, never gets too hot.
You could run the reaction, take solid iron gaseous oxygen, form iron oxide, measure the heat of formation of it, tabulate it.