物理学专业术语,关于物理性质的定义有两个,一是指物质不需要经过化学变化就表现出来的性质, 二是指物质没有发生化学反应就表现出来的性质叫做物理性质。
物理性质 (physical property) 指的是,在不需要改变物质的化学成份的情况下,可被观察、感知或用仪器量度的性质。
足球的门径糟蹋的物理性质(Physical properties)是联合的,显着的规模从细小的危殆和疾苦紧要的职业生涯已矣的摧毁。
毕业论文天下网_结冷胶可食膜制备条件与物理性能研究_食品科学毕业论文格式范文 关键词:结冷胶;可食膜;物理性质 [gap=805]Keywords:Gellan Gum;edible film;physical appearance.
...炸一刹那之时的“独一存在”(Existence of a Singularity at the instant of Big Bang) 阶段的“物理性质”(Physical Nature)究属如何?该阶段的物质密度,压力与温度,都是无限大的(Infinite),没有一种已知的物理学定律可以适用于解释它!
土壤物理性质 [土壤] soil physical properties ; Soil physical character ; Soil physical characteristics
烯烃的物理性质 Physical Properties of Alkenes
物理性质测量系统 PPMS ; PhysicsProperty Measurement System
岩石物理性质 petrophysical property ; petrophysical properties ; petrophysical properties of rock ; mineral physical property
木材物理性质 [木] physical property of wood
物理性质不连续性 physical discontinuity
农业物理性质 agrophysical property
土壤的物理性质 Physical properties of soils
Better soil physical properties are beneficial to enhance the soil fertility and promote the higher yield of corn.
参考来源 - 吉林玉米带黑土的物理肥力特性研究The effective P, K content of soil increased 18.8, 27mg/kg in average to apply fertilizer. (3) Applying the organic fertilizer could improve the soil physical property, rational application could not obviously change pH.
参考来源 - 期刊学术社区The treatments improved the soil physical character,which could be obviously seen from the change of bulk density、soil porosity、soil field capacity and soil capillary height.
硫磺的施用改善了土壤物理性质。 田间试验中,土壤容重降低,土壤孔隙度、田间持水量和毛管上升高度均有不同程度的提高。
参考来源 - 宁夏银川平原北部盐碱土硫磺改良研究A series of spectral lines with different physical properties were selected for studying the intrinsic relation of the analyte to internal standard lines.
参考来源 - 内标法在ICP·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Various proposals were put forth to arrange the elements into groups based on similarities in chemical and physical properties.
The isotopes of a given element have the same chemical properties but slightly different physical properties.
Both chemists were sufficiently farsighted to leave gaps where their analyses of periodic physical and chemical properties indicated that new elements should be located.
OK, now what we'd like to do is be able to calculate any of these quantities in terms of temperature, pressure, volume properties.
Things that we can relate to the properties of the substance that we're doing the experiment on.
So it's which of these partials are sounding within each of these instruments, and the physical properties of each of these instruments are different.