牵(拼音:qiān)是汉语通用规范一级汉字(常用字)。此字初文始见于战国文字,另有学者认为此字在甲骨文中就已出现。其本义指牵引向前,引申为牵涉、牵挂。还由被牵引引申为被带累、牵制、不得自由。 (基本信息主要来源: )
vt. involve
misc. lead along
... → 侧面叉车 Side Fork Lift Trucks → 牵 引 车 Tow Tractor → 固定平台搬运车 Fi上传:kaiyun520 ...
牵引车 [车辆] tractor ; Tow Tractor ; towing vehicle
牵牛花 Ipomoea nil ; Pharbitis nil ; [园艺] Morning Glory ; glory ; [电影] living dream
牵引力 [机] [车辆] tractive effort ; [机] [车辆] traction ; [机] [车辆] tractive force ; kN
牵连 implicate ; [法] implication ; connect
牵引 [机] [外科] traction ; [交] pull ; drag ; haul ; tow
爱情无线牵 No Strings Attached
牵涉痛 referred pain ; radiating pain ; o
发挥经济体制改革的牵引作用 Economic structural reform – an engine of progress ; economic structural reform–an engine of progress; the leading role of the reform of the economic system in promoting development. ; economic structural reform – an engine of progress
牵引光束 tractor beam
No—ride thy mule, and lead thine ass; I am surer on mine own feet, and will walk.
when I'm holding Helen, it just feels like home, sweet home.