光学离焦调控猴Pax-6基因表达与近视眼发病机理研究 - 生命科学-科研基金网 关键词:近视眼;正视化;猴;Pax-6基因;Egr-1基因 [gap=1260]Keywords:myopia; monkey; emmetropization; Pax-6; Egr-1
[ panacea effective remedy medicine that works ] 灵验有效的药,神奇的药 [ Primates ] 哺乳动物的一目,猴、类人猿属于这一目,是最高等的哺乳动物 [ glossy ganoderma ] 一种蕈(Ganoderma lucidum),菌盖肾脏形,赤褐色或暗紫色,有环纹,...
大嘴猴 paul frank ; Paul Homme ; frank ; Paul Frpowerfulk
猕猴 [脊椎] macaque ; [脊椎] Macaca mulatta ; [脊椎] rhesus monkey ; macaco monkey ; macaque
猴子 Monkey ; Twelve Monkeys ; Apes ; JOSH ; monkey
大狐猴 indri
指猴 aye-aye ; [脊椎] daubentonia madagascariensis ; aye ; Daubentonia
猴科 Cercopithecidae ; Pitheciidae ; Callimiconidae ; old world monkeys
猕猴桃属 [植] Actinidia ; Aainidia
长鼻猴 Nasalis larvatus ; larvatus ; Proboscis Monkey-Winning by Losing
猴面包树 Adansonia digitata ; baobab ; Adansonia Diditata Pulp Extract ; monkey bread
The woolly spider monkey is the largest primate in the Americas.
They found that certain cells, in particular, epithelial cells from monkey kidneys, were very effective at propagating the virus.
So, you would grow these monkey kidney cells in culture, you would add some virus to the culture broth, the cells would become infected, the virus would go through its life cycle.
And there is some evidence, though it's not particularly strong at this point, that these same intuitions show up in young children and in nonhuman primates like chimpanzees, capuchins, macaques and so on.