甘松,中药名。为败酱科植物甘松Nardostachys jatamansi DC.的干燥根及根茎。春、秋二季采挖,除去泥沙和杂质,晒干或阴干。
论文:关于某高速公路滑坡原因及处治措施分析-中大网校论文网 关键词】 甘松 膜片钳 钠通道 心肌细胞 [gap=998]Key words:Nardostachys chinensis; Patch-clamp techniques; Sodium channel; Myocardium
穗甘松 Spikenard ; Spikenard Oil Nardostachys jatamansi
甘松油 spikenard oil ; Spikenard extract ; SpikenardOilCAS ; SpikenardextractCAS
匙叶甘松 spikenard ; Nardostachys jatamansi ; jatamansi ; Nardostachys
甘松粉末 Nardostachys Root
甘松新酮 Nardosinone ; nardosine
甘松属 Nardostachys DC
甘松香 Spikenard ; nardspikenard ; nardostachys sinensis ; nard
西欧甘松香 Valeriana celtica ; celtic nard
甘松茅 Nardus stricta
Objective: The chemical components of essential oil from Hemp seed were analyzed.
Objective: To study optimal process conditions for the inclusion of volatile oil from Nardostachyos Radix et Rhizoma using saturated water solution method.
摘要 : 研究超声波辅助提取甘松中总黄酮的最佳提取工艺条件。
Abstract : To optimize ultrasonic-assisted extraction process of total flavononids from Nardostachys chinensis Batal.