畅,chàng,形声字,繁体写作“畅”,从申,从昜( yáng),昜亦声。《说文》所无。“申”意为“繁殖子孙”,“昜”意为“播散”。“申”与“昜”联合起来表示“子孙繁衍播散”。“子孙繁衍播散”既指纵向的繁殖:父→子→孙,又指横向的繁殖:子女和孙子女的各自婚配。除了纵横两向的人数扩张外,还包括时间的连续和居住地域的扩大的意思。引申为畅通、通晓、舒畅、畅快、繁盛等义。又有畅姓。
畅销 active demand ; good market ; sell like wild fire ; best seller
畅销货 salable goods ; goods that sell well ; action item
贸易畅通 unimpeded trade
政令畅通 smooth implementation of the central leadership’s orders and policies
畅销书 Seller ; Best Sellers
畅销产品 marketable products ; products with good market ; commodities in short supply ; goods in great demand
周笔畅 I Miss U Missing Me ; WOW ; Season
畅销品 quick seller ; quick-selling product ; Best-Seller
郑元畅 Joe Cheng ; joseph cheng ; ariel lin and joe cheng
酣歌畅戏 Topsy-Turvy
The Tokyo governor said, "Vaccines have brought a ray of hope and we will be able to enjoy the Games from July 23 to August 8."