无脊椎动物,昆虫纲多数昆虫的中胸和后胸的背侧,具有4片骨片,其中的第2片称为盾片。 脊椎动物爬行纲龟的龟甲,其外层是由表皮形成的角质板,称为盾片。 禾本科植物的外子叶发育不全,只有内子叶发育,着生于胚轴的一侧,形状如盾,称为盾片。
前盾片 [昆] prescutum ; anterior sclerite ; [昆] protergite
中前盾片 [昆] mesoprescutum
前小盾片 [昆] prescutellum ; [昆] mesoparapteron
中胸盾片 [昆] mesoscutum
后胸盾片 [昆] metascutum ; [昆] metathoracic scutum
中胸小盾片 [昆] mesoscutellum
盾片蛇菰属 Rhopalocnemis
小盾片龙 Scutellosaurus
侧小盾片 [昆] parascutellum ; [昆] parascutella
称腹盾片 Pelta
The number of protein body was increasing with reducing of starch grains in scutellar development late stage.
利用PDS10 0 0 /氦气基因枪将水稻几丁质酶基因导入小麦幼胚盾片愈伤组织。
Rice chitinase gene was transferred into immature embryogenic calli of wheat using PDS1000/He particle delivery system.
The high efficient plant regeneration systems have been established by optimizing tissue culture conditions using inflorescence explants, immature and mature embryo scutella as the target materials.