眼斑拟石首鱼(Sciaenops ocellatus)即美国红鱼,隶属鲈形目,石首鱼科,拟石首鱼属。亦称红鱼、红姑鱼、斑尾鲈、黑斑红鲈、大西洋红鲈等。
石首鱼科 [鱼] Sciaenidae ; croaker ; bubenikovit ; Family Sciaenidae
波纹短须石首鱼 Umbrina cirrosa
叉鳔石首鱼 stellifer
淡水石首鱼 freshwater drum ; Aplodinotus grunniens
娇姿石首鱼 Sciaena deliciosa
威氏石首鱼 Sciaena wieneri
多须石首鱼 Black Drum ; Pogonias cromis
虫纹蛇石首鱼 Ophioscion vermicularis
沙犬牙石首鱼 Cynoscion arenarius ; sand sea trout
The species of the family Sciaenidae are the major fish in the artificial propagation and breeding.
In Jiangsu Province: Cooking and eating croakers (commonly known as the yellow croakers) are essential elements of the festival in Jiading County.
Any of several food and game fishes of the drum family, especially of the genus Menticirrhus, indigenous to warm Atlantic waters.