其中硬 度(Hardness)是指凝胶达到一定变形时须要力的大小,即第一次压缩样品时的最大峰 值力,在感官上是指用牙咬碎样品所用的力,与压缩过程中凝胶结...
水果硬糖 Hard Candy ; fruit cube ; fruit drops ; Fruit hard sugar ; [电影] hard candy
硬盘 Hard Disk ; HDD ; Hard Disk Drive ; GB ; fixed disk
硬脂酸 [有化] Stearic acid ; Triple Pressed Stearic Acid ; steric cid ; Butyl Stearate ; stearic acid
硬件 [计] Hardware ; computer hardware ; HDW Hardware ; IDS
硬着陆 hard landing ; "hard landing"
硬骨头 tough issue ; tough bones; hard nuts; difficult problems ; Indomitable ; HardBone
硬碟 Hard Disk ; Paragon
打铁还需自身硬 It takes good iron to make good products. It takes a good blacksmith to make good steel. The iron must be of good quality to be hammered / struck into a tool. ; “It Takes a Good Blacksmith to Forge Good Tools” ; “It takes good iron to make good products.”
硬度 [物] hardness ; hrc ; Shore
This is the fact that we occupy a finite volume in space, because they're little hard spheres in this molecule.
And here, too, it's just a little baby program in that I'm hardcoding the expression 17 divided by 13.
They evolve to become very dense, hard, pustular lesions, which are filled with what turns out to be tissue debris.