窍 繁体字:窍 拼音:qiào 注音:ㄑㄧㄠˋ 部首:穴 部外笔画:5 总笔画:10 五笔86、98:PWAN 仓颉:JCMMS 速成:JS 郑码:WOAZ 笔顺编号:4453 412 115 四角号码:30127 UniCode:CJK 统一汉字:U+7A8D
n. aperture
misc. a key to sth.
诀窍 knack ; Know-How ; recipe ; keytoaproblem
技术诀窍 [专利] technical know-how ; know ; how
鬼迷心窍 Obsessed ; Be possessed ; The Haunting ; Bad Obsession
窍门 know-how ; trick ; knack ; wrinkle
一窍不通的 all thumbs ; all l thumbs ; clueless ; Know Nothing About
开窍 Enlighten ; Resuscitation ; opening into ; of five zang-organs
一窍不通 Know nothing about ; What you said is all Greek to me ; not know beans about something ; It's all Greek to me
七窍 Distributed to them ; seven orifices
He disingenuously remarked that he knew nothing about strategy.
And so maybe during those unusual times the soul wanders from the body and comes back to it.
Sometimes people talk about, in fact we'll be reading about this, out-of-body experiences.