“米饭”是个多义词,它可以指米饭(食品), 米饭(问答网站), 米饭(郑秀文的粉丝)。
...果不幸得很,诸多准备还是没有防止伤害的发生,已经有人躺在地上痛苦不堪,哇哇大哭显然无助于事情的解决,运动伤害的米饭(RICE)原则是我们必须牢记的: (一)R=Rest(休息):应立刻停止受伤部位的活动,以避免因继续出血肿胀而加重伤害。
...关键字:蠕变特性,米饭,蛋白质含量,直链淀粉含量 中图分类号:TS 201.7 [gap=7240]Keywords: Creep properties, Cooked rice, Protein content, Amylose content ...
糯米饭 Glutinous rice ; sticky rice ; Khao Niao ; cooked glutinous rice
半熟米饭 Blame It on Rio
白米饭 steamed rice ; White Rice ; boiled milled rice ; cooked rice ; rice
一碗米饭 a bowl of rice ; within the car of rice
牛肉丸子米饭 beef balls with rice ; beef ball with rice
肉丸子米饭 meat balls with rice
咖哩牛肉米饭 curry beef with rice ; braised beef rolls with rice
米饭蒸肉 Steamed pork with rice
咖喱鸡配米饭 Curried chicken with rice
Cooked rice is one of the most favorite staple foods, and retrogradation of starch is an important factor that influences the qualities of cooked rice.
参考来源 - 微波蒸煮对米饭品质的影响·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
When the rice isn't cooked properly it goes lumpy and gooey.
In certain location things were dominated by certain cereals; rice in Asia, wheat in Europe, sorghum and millet in Africa, and maize in the New World.
Now the fact that people were so reliant on certain foods led to deficiencies of certain nutrients, so people that were dependent on a rice based diet tended to have problems with deficiencies in protein, Vitamin A, and thiamine.