... 指向frove 脸 店 » The face shop 你如果不努力学习,英语就考不及格了 » If you do not study hard, and do not pass the exam in English ...
脸书 Facebook ; FB-US ; Fexpertbook ; Fstarbook
娃娃脸 BABYFACE ; Doll Face ; Karaoke ; Babyce
变脸 Face/Off ; get angry ; The King Of Masks ; suddenly turn hostile
脸盲症 Prosopagnosia ; Face Blindness
开脸 Carving the Face of a Figure ; to carve a face
脸谱网 Facebook ; Fexpertbook ; Fgeniusbook ; Fstarbook
花脸鸭 Baikal Teal ; Anas formosa ; Baikal Teal Anas formosa ; formosa
脸颊 cheek ; Plumps cheeksPlumps ; guancia ; ji
做鬼脸 make a face ; make faces ; make a mouth ; grimace
I get to meet a lot of people through the course of teaching, and I recognize a lot of faces.
Well, if you look at the description, for instance, of Zooey's face, there's a beautiful description of how his face is beautiful, in what way his face is beautiful.
It is nor hand nor foot nor arm nor face nor any other part belonging to a man.