眼下,大家都传言说苹果(AAPL)即将要推出iPhone 5了,很可能是出于针对性的考虑,三星方面也将在8月29日采取动作,于柏林推出Galaxy Note系列的新机型。
苹果公司 apple inc ; Apple ; AAPL ; Apple Computer
苹果酒 cider ; Calvados ; apple wine ; Apfelwein
苹果酸 [有化] malic acid ; malate ; MLF ; hydroxysuccinic acid
苹果商店 Apple Store ; App Store ; itunes store ; Apple Shops
苹果汁 Apple Juice ; cider ; Apple Cider ; Appletizer ; apple juice
苹果属 [植] Malus ; Malus Miller ; Mingus ; Misus
大苹果 Big Apple
苹果派 Apple Pie ; Hot Pie ; strudel ; PINCO ; apple pie
苹果酸脱氢酶 MDH ; [生化] malic dehydrogenase ; malic acid dehydrogenase
Four species of Penicillium spp. were isolated from apple fruits.
参考来源 - 河北省储藏期苹果青霉病的病原种类鉴定与防治Conclusion The technology and quality of apple beverage can be improved.
参考来源 - 苹果果肉饮料生产工艺及质量的研究—《食品与药品·A版》—2007年第3期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The point is simply to recognize that the apples are occult symbols, which is to say they're not apples.
and I think there's like rumors that Apple has been talking about creating some sort of service like that.
But it's not because of some magical property in the fruit itself, but because of the action of disobedience itself.