过去小城镇及乡村的男子人人头上都爱戴此帽,夏天戴了凉,冬天戴了热,既可当 草帽 ( straw hat ),又可当笠帽,一年四季均可戴用,因此它成为有绍兴地方特色的一件生活用品,也成为绍兴人的一个显明标志。
... outrageous hats at ascot 阿斯科特赛马会上千奇百怪的帽子 playing straw hats 草帽 please remove your hats 请脱帽 ...
宽边草帽 broad-brimmed straw hat ; ample-bbelted harbinger hat ; brimmed straw hat ; hat
草帽歌 straw hat ; The stran hat song ; song of straw hat
耶哎妈妈那顶草帽 Yeh Ma ma I wonder
稻草帽 Straw Hats ; straw hat
夺去我的草帽耶哎 stealing my hat from me yeh
高高卷走了草帽啊 Swirling whirling gust of wind
草帽星系 sombrero galaxy ; Sombrero
花朵草帽 Lily
小草帽 Canappeco ; straw hat
He wore a straw hat to keep his balding head from getting sunburned.
Calling Tinette, she ordered her to take away the bread and the old straw hat she had found.
Later, though, when she climbed into her high bed, she found her old beloved straw hat hidden under her cover.
Maurice Chevalier was a crooner, he was a singer, he was--if your parents knew about France, he was the person that your grandparents even had heard about, and he was somebody from a poor part of Paris, and he was from Menilmontant, and he had this straw hat and he sung tunes-- "Very good my boys," And all of this stuff.