菠萝,原名:凤梨,别名:露兜子,拉丁文名:Ananas comosus.凤梨科、凤梨属植物,凤梨俗称为菠萝,为著名热带水果之一,菠萝原产于南美洲巴西、巴拉圭的亚马逊河流域一带,16世纪从巴西传入中国。 现在已经流传到整个热带地区。其可食部分主要由肉质增大之花序轴、螺旋状排列于外周的花组成,花通常不结实,宿存的花被裂片围成一空腔,腔内藏有萎缩的雄蕊和花柱。叶的纤维甚坚韧,可供织物、制绳、结网和造纸。 (文中图片均取自中国植物图库)
... Ananas 凤梨属 Ananas comosus 菠萝,凤梨 Ananas comosus extract 菠萝(凤梨)提取物 ...
在我写病历并且做梦的当晚,我妻子打开了一瓶利口酒,上面写着菠萝(Ananas) 的字样,它是我们的朋友奥托送的礼物。他显然习惯找到各种理由送礼物,真希望有个女人能将他这种毛病治好。
菠萝蛋白酶 Bromelain ; Bromelain ananase ; BROMELAIN FROM PINEAPPLE STEM ; BromelainBromelin ; bromelain
菠萝快车 Pineapple Express ; PineExpress ; Don't believe her lies
菠萝汁 Pineapple ; pina colada ; Pinefruit ; Pinepple juice ; pineapple juice
菠萝包 pineapple bun ; Pineapple roll ; Pineapple Bread ; pineapple bread
菠萝莓 pineberry
倒转煎菠萝蛋糕 upside-down cake ; Pineapple Upside Down Cake
菠萝冰美式 Iced Pineapple Americano ; Pineapple Iced Americano
菠萝冻 pineapple jelly ; pinea le jelly
菠萝蜜 Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam ; Jackfruit ; Nangka ; Panasa ; jackfruit
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the nutritional value and feeding effects of pineapple by-products in Princess chickens.
参考来源 - 菠萝皮渣的营养成分分析及利用的研究8 species of fruits such as pineapple, banana, papaya, and mango have been given the access to market of Mainland recently.
参考来源 - 台湾水果上的检疫性害虫·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
So let me go get the pine apple, let me go get the bananas.
What's it like to smell coffee or to taste pineapple?"
In particular, as I've mentioned previously, i think there are mysteries and puzzles about the nature of consciousness, The qualitative aspect of experience, what it's like to smell coffee or taste pineapple or see red.