adj. administrative
misc. administeration
依法行政 exercise administration strictly in accordance with the law; laws are fully complied with in the executive power ; the work of administration must always be done according to the law ; to exercise administration in accordance with the law ; law-based government administration
行政法规 administrative laws and regulations ; administrative regulations ; administrative regulation; administrative rule ; administrative regulation
行政审批 State Council review and approval ; administrative examination and approval ; government approval; government review; government review and approval ; Administrative Approval
行政法 Administrative Law ; Administrative Legislation ; executive law ; Verwaltungsrecht
特别行政区 special administrative region ; Special Administrative Region ; special administrative regions
行政诉讼法 the Law of Administrative Procedure ; the Administrative Procedure Law ; Administrative Procedure Law ; The Administrative Litigation Law
香港特别行政区 the Hong Kong special administrative region ; the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ; the special administrative region of Hong Kong
澳门特别行政区 the special administrative region of Macao ; the Special Administrative Region of Macao ; the Macao special administrative region
特别行政区政府 special Administration Region government ; the administrations of the two special administrative regions ; the government of the Special Administrative Region
The government, the executive and the judiciary are supposed to be separate.
The administration would not stand in the way of such a proposal.
You really had a remarkable success in academics, in the administrative... You've taught at great universities across the country.
Socrates willingly giving up one of his conversations for the tedious business of legislation ? and public administration?
He also has right outside the office he's had a couple of assistants, executive assistants, personal aid.