n. sight
misc. line of sight ; sight line ; optical line of sight
...le of Arrival,AOA):结点接收到的信号相 对于结点自身轴线的角度,称为信号相对接收结点的到达 角度。 ? 视线(Line of Sight,LOS):两个结点间没有障碍物间隔, 双方能“看见”,并能够直接通信,称为两个节点间在视 线内。 ?
视线传播 [电视] line-of-sight propagation ; sight propagation ; Line of Sight ; LOS
神秘视线 Mystery Case Files - Huntsville ; Mystery Case Files ; Huntsville ; Mystic Gateway
视线之外 Out of Sight ; beyond the invisible
在视线之内 in sight ; in eye
视线被你占据 All eyes on you
在视线外 out of sight
交错的视线 eyes CrossOver ; eyes Cros ; pc
视线角 [天] angle of sight ; line-of-sight angle ; line of sight ; [光] aspect angle
However, compared with the traditional seeker using inertial platform, the line of sight(LOS) rate of strapdown seeker can not directly be measured. In addition, more measurement noise is induced due to the wide sighting field.
参考来源 - 捷联成像导引头视线角速率估计方法研究They are all made of three essential factors that are the observer object, the target object and the line of sight. The pattern and method of solution are determined by the factors' geometry shape characteristic, physical property and so on.
参考来源 - DEM地形可视性统一分析模型构建与实现·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
because they don't instinctively appreciate that people's interests and desires tend to be attuned to where they're looking.
But here's a four-year instead of factory blocking my view, it's the miss of time blocking my view.
It's great because there's huge expectation that we are gonna bring this agency back, that we are gonna restore EPA with places, the protector of air, water and land.