"角色扮演"是个多义词,它可以指一种综合性创造性的活动,心理学名词,颓所著小说,Vnek演唱歌曲,网络游戏《无尽的任务》用语,韩国2012年Baek Sang-yeol执导电影,美国2010年罗伯·威廉姆斯执导电影,杨森林演唱歌曲,赖湘文演唱歌曲,角色扮演
角色扮演类 RPG ; RPG&ARPG ; MMOPRG ; Role
动作角色扮演游戏 action role-playing game ; ARPG ; action role play game
临场动态角色扮演游戏 live action role-playing game
动作角色扮演 ARPG ; ACTRPG
桌上角色扮演游戏 tabletop role-playing game ; TRPG ; Tabletop RPG
角色扮演者 COSer ; Cosplay ; Role Player
角色扮演类游戏 RPG ; - role playing game ; Role ; MMPRPG
战略角色扮演 SRPG ; RSLG
多人在线角色扮演游戏 MMORPG ; Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
Gong Li played the role of Qiu Ju in this film successfully.
After critiquing the so-called thin ideal by writing essays and role playing with their peers, participants are directed to come up with and execute small, nonviolent acts.
With them she can occupy all these different roles, and in doing so she has access to certain kinds of knowledge.
that you feel like you're not going to even get in between and you're not going to become a mediator.
Well, in Tennyson sound is the device, "the murmurous haunt"--oh, I have no memory at all today.