...(通常是牛肉manzo、猪肉maiale、鸡肉pollo、鱼肉pecse、海鲜frutti di mare,也有兔肉coniglio、鸭肉anatra等) 配菜(Contorno):由蔬菜、土豆或菌菇组成,可能盛在另外一份较小的盘中,也可能涵盖在主菜中,摆在同一个盘中,无需另选。
焖油鸡配菜 Braised capon with vegetables
烤填鸭配菜 Roast duck with vegetable
火腿八配菜 Braised ham with vegetables
煎羊肉串配菜 Fried mutton shashlik with vegetable
焖牛肉配菜 Braised beef with vegetable
煎羊肉饼配菜 Fried minced mutton with vegetable
焖羊肉配菜 Braised mutton with vegetables
扒牛柳配菜 Braised beef with vegetables
冷烤牛肉配菜 Cold roast beef with vegetable