野山椒俗称指天椒、朝天椒(Capsicum frutescens var)是对椒果朝天(朝上或斜朝上)生长这一类群辣椒的统称,是按果实着生状态分类的,包括植物分类学上辣椒栽培种5个变种中的4个变种:簇生椒、圆锥椒(小果型)、长辣椒(短指形)、樱桃椒。朝天椒椒果均较小,因而又称为小辣椒。朝天椒的特点是椒果小、辣度高、易干制,主要作为干椒品种利用,与羊角椒、线椒构成我国三大干椒品种系列。全国干椒栽培面积,朝天椒已跃居首位 。
野山椒牛肉丝 Wild sansho beef silk ; Sauté ; Wild mountain pepper shredded beef ; saut ed shredded beef with wild pepper
野山椒凤爪 Wild Sansho chicken legs ; Wild mountain pepper chicken feet ; Chicken Paw with Pepper
野山椒牛肉 Wild Japanese pepper beef ; Gingembre beef mountains
野山椒烧豆腐 braised tofu with Chilli
木耳野山椒 Marinated Agarics with vegetable
野山椒蒸鲩鱼 steam grass carp with capsicum
野山胡椒油 Moutain Peppermint oil
Cut pickled chili and red chili in small sections, and ginger and garlic in chips.
步骤三: 锅里留底油(如果油不清亮的话,重新洗锅倒油),加入生姜、大蒜、野山椒、红椒炒香。
Step three If the oil can't be reused, remove them and add new oil. Add ginger, garlic, pickled chili and red chili into the pot, deep-fried them.