...o stop up; to close up; hard to get to; out of the way; inaccessible; unenlightened; blocking 闭上 to close; to shut up 闭锁 to lock ..
闭上你的嘴 Don't Tell Me ; Shut up & Listen
闭上眼睛 Close my eyes ; Close your eyes ; closetheeyesindeath ; You Close Your Eyes
当我闭上双眼 evertime when i closed eyes ; I close my eyes ; When I close my eyes ; when my eyes are closed
闭上双眼 Close your eyes ; CLOSE MY EYES ; Eyes Closed ; You Can Close Your Eyes
闭上你的眼睛 Close your eyes ; keep your eyes closed
每当我闭上双眼 Everytime I Close My Eyes ; just one more time ; everyimei i close my eyes
如果闭上双眼 Here I am ; If I close my eyes
我闭上眼睛 I close my eyes ; I shut my eyes ; Everytime I close my eyes ; close eyes and the flashback starts
请闭上嘴巴 Please Shut up
I'm going to ask everybody in this half of the class please either turn your head or shut your eyes.
Because Claire Elise would rather not have run, Let's try once more, Close your eyes again, just to keep life interesting, let's switch to this row.
On the three thousand two hundred eighty-seventh night of your Parisian affair, as I lay in Simois-mud picking vermin off the wound I got that day from cunning Pandarus, exhaustion closed my eyes.