阶 jiē 【释义】 ①用砖、石等砌成的分层梯级:石阶;台阶。②用来区分高低的等级:官阶;军阶。③引申为经由;达到。
(Stage)是年代地层学的基本工作单位, 是年代地层学的基本工作单位 阶(Stage)是年代地层学的基本工作单位,它也是可在全 球范围内识别的标准年代地层等级系列中最小的地层单位。
台阶 Stair ; steps ; [建] step ; stairs ; step
中产阶级 Middle Class ; the middle class; the middle bourgeoisie ; bourgeois ; lower middle class
阶级 class ; Classes ; cy ; rank
无产阶级 proletariat ; the proletariat
音阶 scale ; [声] musical scale ; gamut
阶级冲突 Class conflict ; class conflict; class strife; conflict between the classes
工人阶级 the working class ; the working class; the working-class ; [社科] working class
有闲阶级 idle class; leisure class ; The Idle Class ; Leisure Class ; The Leisure Class
Due to fourth-order cumulants,the method can improve the estimation performance.
参考来源 - 期刊学术社区It discusses the non-degeneration of higher-order CIB functions.
参考来源 - 相关免疫函数的计数及特性研究Because a same method is used for the 3 primary colors to compose a full-color image,each full-color image has a width of 3 times of gray-level image.
参考来源 - 图像合成原理及其实现Stage number of GICs decreased with intercalation duration prolonging.
参考来源 - 利用石墨层间化合物合成含硼金刚石·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
This led to the construction of earthen or stone steps, arranging the audience into a semicircle in front of the speaker.
We derived a set of mathematical formulas for describing the third-order nonlinear optical process in polydiacetylene crystals.
The drag reduction of the notchback car platoon is the most.
And what's fallen out when we do that, because in each case, one of the first derivatives gives us the entropy.
If you knew only the third derivative of the function, you can have something quadratic in t without changing the outcome.
Can the strength of numbers, as well as respect for reason and a better argument be, ? in some sense, harmonized?