1.靛,一种深蓝色有机染料,称“靛蓝”。亦称“靛青”、“蓝靛”。蓝色和紫色混合而成的一种颜色。 2.蓝靛,为爵床科植物马蓝Baphicacanthus cusia Brem的叶经加工制得的粉末或团块,可作染料。药用时可用于温毒、发斑、血热吐衄、胸痛咳血、口疮、痄腮、喉痹、小儿惊痫等症状。植物形态 多年生草本。
靛蓝 Indigo ; ATT ; thumb blue ; anil
靛红 Indigo Carmine ; Isatin-3-oxime
靛蓝色 [染料] indigo ; Benzo blue ; Electric Indigo ; cyaneous
靛青 [染料] indigo ; ingigo ; blue ; indigo-blue ; indigo
二氯酚靛酚 DCIP
蓝靛果忍冬 Lonicera caerulea ; Sweetberry honeysuckle
靛蓝航空 IndiGo ; IndiGo Airlines
藤冈靛 Dean Fujioka Tatsuo ; Fujioka Tatsuo
靛青色 Indigo ; benzo blue ; bluedenim
Objective: To explore the practical value of uric indican detection in the individual diet guidance.
This paper introduced different kinds of preparation methods and applications of isatoic anhydride.
The condensing temperature attached no remarkable influence on the content of indirubin but condensing volume and drying temperature did.