预热,预先加热到指定的温度。预热指的是为防止急热,焊接前先对材料预热。( 如火焰加热)现也指预习准备做某一样事时,为此做好准备。
... use up用尽;花光 warm up加热;变暖;(运动前)热身;(机器等)预热;激动起来;活跃起来 wash up洗碗碟等餐具;洗手脸;洗手不干,不再过问 ...
... Wait Person侍应生 Please Wait请等待;预热;请稍候;本机正在检查字模是否正确放入请稍等 wait upon侍候 ...
预热塞 EIKO ; english Glow Plug ; Flame Glow Plug
预热器 [机] preheater ; forewarmer ; heat booster ; intake air heater
预热温度 preheat temperature ; preheat temp
预热区 [冶] Preheating zone ; zone of preheating
预热带 [冶] preheating zone ; zone of preparation
预热炉 preheating oven ; preheater ; preheater furnace
预热指示灯 GLOW
预热空气 [冶] preheated air ; tempered air ; tempesing air
电预热 Electric preheating ; Electricity preheating
The thermal residual stress of laser cladding layer without preheating is 700 MPa, and phase changing residual stress is 850 MPa.
参考来源 - 期刊学术社区Using this system, adding a low-temperature testing caisson, we can examine and test the apace warm-up crystal oscillator, the main items include: temperature coefficient, frequency adjusting range, load characteristic, voltage characteristic.
参考来源 - 多路时间频率自动检测系统的分析与设计The following aspects are mainly included in this dissertation.1. According to the research on the trial prototype,the parameter design of the device is completed by calculating the pre-heat load.2.
参考来源 - 超低温冷冻治疗设备的设计与实验研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Shenwu puts up the initial investment to install a heat exchanger that preheats the air going into the furnace, slashing the client's fuel costs.
Next, Jeff turned on the second stove burner to heat up the frying pan.