工神经网络(ANN) 人工神经网络(Artificial Neural Networks, ANN)在经济预警(Early Warning,EW)系统中的应用,无论从思想,还是从技术上都是对传统EW的一种拓宽和突破,解决了传统EW模型难以处理高度
应急预警(Forewarning)是在事故、自然灾害等各类突发公共事件发生之前采取的 行动,目的是提高应对事故,自然灾害等各类突发公共事件应急行动的能力及其...
监测预警 monitoring and early warning
战略预警 strategic early warning
中型预警机 mid-sized early-warning aircraft
预警指挥机 early warning aircraft
失业预警制度 unemployment precaution system
预警应急机制 early warning and emergency response
气象预警信号 weather forewarning signal
海啸预警系统 tsunami warning system
雷达预警接收器 Radar warning receiver ; RWR
The result shows that the presented model is practical and convenient to use. It is feasible to use the model to assessment and early-warning of regional water security.
参考来源 - 期刊学术社区The method for the financial pre-warning has been confirmed valid and superior.
参考来源 - 支持向量机在上市公司财务预警模型中的应用Intelligent video surveillance can smartly understand the video content, find the unusual events and alert. One of the most important applications is automatically monitoring the behaviors of suspects.
参考来源 - 基于内容的智能视频监控关键技术及在公共安防中的应用研究In fact, the most important phase of mitigating the negative effects of quakes is to advance warning of earthquake.
参考来源 - 我国地震灾害预警机制中的政府行为分析Urban road safety fore-warning system is brought forward in the background of growing traffic accidents in nowadays .
参考来源 - 城市道路交通安全预警系统理论研究To solve the problem of judging tunnel's construction safety state, this paper carries out research on the following factors concerned about shield method construction of tunnel: automatic monitoring, analysis of monitoring data, advance alarm and alarm of safety state.
参考来源 - 盾构法隧道施工监测数据处理与预警、报警研究Send out alarm and alarm in advance in computer, and put out the result of fault detection.
参考来源 - 火电厂汽包水位预警、报警和故障检测系统设计The medical-meteorological forecasting system can make out different levels of medical-meteorological warning and individualized treatment according to the result of forecast. The system can be operated through a point-to-point network.
参考来源 - 基于人工神经网络的心血管疾病医疗气象预警模型设计·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress