《食品公司》是由美国Participant传媒出品的94分钟纪录片。该片由罗伯特·肯纳执导,迈克尔·波伦、埃里克·施劳斯主演,于2009年6月12日在美国上映。 该片揭开了美国食品工业的面纱,暴露了在高度机械工业下被隐藏的一系列现象。
... Daily-use Sundry Goods Company日用杂品公司 Foodstuffs Company食品公司 Materials Company物资公司 ...
泰森食品公司 Tyson Foods ; TSN ; Tyson Foods, Inc ; Tyson Foods Inc
卡夫食品公司 Kraft Foods ; KRFT ; KFT kraft foods inc ; KFT
巴西食品公司 Brasil Foods ; BRF ; BRF-Brasil Foods ; cobal
美国通用磨坊食品公司 General Mills
通用食品公司 General Foods ; Genering Foods ; General Foods Corporation ; General Mills
冷冻食品公司 Frozen Foodstuffs Company
康尼格拉食品公司 ConAgra Foods
亨氏食品公司 Heinz ; HNZ
荷美尔食品公司 Hormel Foods ; Hormel Foods corporation ; HRL
Two years later, the small restaurant had once again become a big food company, thanks to the businessman's words.
In England, some food companies across the whole country have been told to carry out urgent tests on all beef products.
There have been half-hearted but well-publicized efforts by some food companies to reduce calories in their processed foods.
The second largest food company is Unilever, and the third is Kraft, which is America's largest food company.
I'll give you four food companies, and tell me which one you think is the world's largest.
I'm going to show you slogans from food companies and you guys tell me what foods they're affiliated with, what foods they're associated with.