第一节 现代餐饮业的内涵与特征 一、餐饮业的内涵及基本特征 (一)餐饮业的内涵 餐饮业(Catering Industry)是指有目的、有组织地向社会提供餐饮产品及相关服务,并以此来获取经济效益与社会效益的第三产业。
浅谈网络经济对餐饮业的影响分析-行业经济_职称论文发表网 关键词:网络经济;餐饮业;管理信息; 影响 [gap=474]key word: Network economy; Food and beverage industry; Management information; Influence
...ain the bellwether of the catering industry保持餐饮业的龙头地位 the food and drink industry;The catering business餐饮业 administrative department for catering and service trade饮食服务业行政管理部门 ..
住宿和餐饮业 hotel and catering sectors ; Hotels and Catering Services ; Hotel and Restaurants ; Accommodation and Restaurants
住宿和餐饮业零售额 the lodging and catering industry
餐饮业厨房用地板 Kitchen flooring for catering
公共餐饮业 eating place
餐饮业/宾客招待学 Catering Hospitality
餐饮业清洁设备 Catering sanitizers
餐饮业实习生 Food & Beverages Intern
We think of this as an old person's migration, but it created many jobs for the young in construction and health care, not to mention tourism, retail and restaurants.
There are almost never any sick days in the restaurant business.
They've been very important political players now in the trying to get rid of trans fats in restaurant movement and also the movement that's happening around the country to try to get calories put on menus in restaurants.
You may know that there are big fights being waged around the country now between governments that want restaurants to put calories on their labels -not on labels but on the restaurant menus, or on the menu boards in the restaurant, and the restaurant industry doesn't want this at all.