梵语sarva-dharma,巴利语sabba-dhamma。乃泛指一切有为法(梵sam!skr!ta -dharma )、无为法(梵asam!skr!ta -dhrama )及不可说法。又作一切诸法、一切万法。即包含一切事物、物质、精神,以及所有现象之存在。原意作‘由因缘而起之存在者’。(摄大乘论 卷三十一、大智度论 卷二)
尽一切法子 by all means
尽一切办法 by all means ; by all manner of means ; by ll mens ; by all ways
一切法无我 all phenomena lack self
一切法不生 all phenomena are unarisen
一切法规只具有前涉力 prospective operation
一切法之本体 TATTVA
得一切法 attain all phenomena
一切法皆无自性 all phenomena lack self nature
一切法界自身表 Buddha's self-manifestation to all creation
Buddha nature is merely our inner Clarity and Awareness, from which we will realize the ultimate nature of everything.
Bodhisattvas detest worldly dharmas, and Buddhas detest worldly dharmas even more. They are not defiled by craving for them, and they are not attached to them.