...的态势迎接敌手的挑战,在小组赛中德国队一共进了28个球,强大的攻击力让对手胆怯,而该队在防守上的表现则是一如既往(As always)的让人信任,无论如何丰禾娱乐口碑怎么样都是杯赛终极夺冠的热门之一,这场比赛面临实力较弱的土耳其,德国队奏捷而归的希望仍是...
... the same as 与…一致 ; 与…一样 ; 一样 ; 无异 The same as usual 一如既往 ; 判若两人 Be The Same As 同 ; 与…相同的 ; 一样 ; 与……相同的 ...
... 一如既往 The same as usual ; run true to form ; nach wie vor ; Come As You Are 一如当初 Like The First Time 一如期待 As Hoped ...
我对你一如既往 I love you as before
我一如既往 I'm as ever ; I drew a line ; I will always be ; always solo
还是一如既往 Or as always ; Business as usual ; Or always
乏味的生活一如既往 When the routine bites hard
我心一如既往 My heart always ; Me continue ; My heart as always
工作上会一如既往 Work will continue ; It would be as always
天空一如既往的蓝 Sky always blue ; As always, blue sky
需要你一如既往的支持 Need your support as always ; Need your continued support
一如既往的爱你 As always love you
Many countries in the Third World are as poor as they have ever been.
So that staggering amount of money then impairs the fund managers' ability to continue generating excellent returns, but they can stay in business and collect the fees that they get for having this huge pile of money.
He's always there for them.