一次方程(simple equation):未知量的最高次数是1次的方程。 二次方程(quadratic equation):未知量的最高次是2次的方程。
... Incomplete quadratic equation 不完全二次方程 Factorable quadratic equation 可因式分解的二次方程 Equation of the first degree 一次方程 ...
... 一次方 first power; 一次方程 first-order equation; linear equation; 一次方程式 simple equation; ...
二元一次方程 linear equation in two unknowns
一元一次方程 linear equation with one unknown ; Linear equation in one variable ; An equation of one dollar ; Linear equation
一次方程式 linear equation ; linear equations with one variable ; simple equation ; one-dimensional equation
一次方程组 linear equations
叫二元一次方程 linear equation of two unknowns
一元一次方程英文是 linear equation in one
二元一次方程式 Binary equation ; first degree in two variable equation
标量非一次方程求解 fzero
By improving Ais hypothesis this paper brought in three-variable linear equation and put forth the hypothesis of .
Based on pickling principle, research results of membrane separation process and experience of engineering practice, the author developed a method of solving equations in multiple variables.
Chinese teacher version of the main advantages of experimental materials include: a compact layout, language features to express interests of the students;
And again, this is something that comes from an equation of state.
When we first introduced the Schrodinger equation, what I told you was think of psi as being some representation of what an electron is.
2 So what we end up saying is that the z effective or the effective charge that that first electron feels is now going to be plus 2.