...70 平方公里;西部省(Western Region),首府塞康第- 塔科拉蒂(Sekondi-Takoradi),面积23921 平方公里;上东部省(Upper East Region),首府 博尔加坦加(Bolgatanga),面积8842 平方公里;上西部省(Upper West Region),首府瓦城 (Wa),面积18476 平方公里;北部省(North...
华西村 江苏省东部0.6平方英里(一平方公里)多岩石土壤上创建的村庄 就像这个国家数以百计的贫困村庄一样。
The hamlet of Huaxi, created on 0.6 square miles (a square kilometer) of rocky land in eastern Jiangsu province, was like hundreds of poverty-stricken villages around the country.
Still, a dream factory is flourishing in the hills of China's eastern Zhejiang province, where farmers in conical hats still bend over rice paddies.
The emblem of the Nanjing 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games was unveiled to the public at a ceremony in Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu province.