n. nonfeasance
misc. negative act
不作为侵权责任承担的法理分析 大律师文章 关键词 : 不作为 侵权责任 责任承担 [gap=645]Keyword: Omission Infringement Responsibility
论不纯正不作为犯的基本构成_法学理论论文 关键词:不作为;不纯正不作为;构成要件 [gap=658]Key words:non-action; impure non-action crime; the indispensable element
作为或不作为 act or omission ; actoromi ion
行政不作为 administrative omission ; The executive is not as ; Administration is not as
不作为的过失 Culpa in non faciendo
不作为犯罪 [法] negative crime ; non-action crime ; crime of omission
不纯正不作为 impure non-action crime
不作为惯性 Inaction Inertia
纯正不作为 pure omission
不作为偏误 The Omission Bias
Secondly, there exist facts of omission.
参考来源 - 不纯正不作为犯当罚性研究(研究生论文)The criminal law publishes negative crimes in order to protect the legal interest.
参考来源 - 困境与出路:亲属关系成为不作为犯罪义务来源探讨(研究生论文)The concept of administrative inaction stems from the period of positive administration of the rule of law and develops with the developing of positive administration.
最后从法治行政的四个方面透视不作为产生的原因。 第四部分,行政不作为的现状及控制的必要性。
参考来源 - 论行政不作为的法律控制·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
It's either you die as a bad person or you die trying to be a good person.
He is bitter about the inaction of the other political parties.
At the same time, today, the actions, and inaction, of human beings imperil not only life on the planet, but the very life of the planet.
I have it on reserve, but that's not required for the mid-term; it's just if you're interested in seeing it.
Is there any good reason to believe that we don't believe that we're going to cease to exist as a person?
That's misleading because it really doesn't matter when you buy the stock, so you're not supposed to, as a broker, sell dividends.