n. inaccuracy
inreapproved driving instructorly take advertisingvishage ofrrn a position 不可存取的 inprecision 不准确度 inenergetic 非活动的 ..
测量的不准确度 inaccuracy of measurement
建造不准确度 inaccuracies of fabrication
最大不准确度 maximum inaccuracy
读数的总不准确度 overall inaccuracy of reading
测量不准确度 uncertainty of messurement
间距不准确度 spacing inaccuracy
量测仪器不准确度 inaccuracy of measuring instrument
不准确度与误差传递 Uncertainties and Error Propagation
平均不准确度 [统计] average inaccuracy
The average imprecision in measuring the size of the observable universe is about10-15 meter.
测量可见宇宙大小的平均不准确度大约是10 - 15公尺。
The average imprecision in measuring the size of the observable universe is about 10-15 meter.
The results indicated that this inaccuracy can be remarkably compensated and satisfaction is given to the method by using the values of the parameters reported in the literature.