不完全竞争 :指这样一些市场:完全竞争不能保持,因为至少有一个大到足以影响市场价格的买者(或卖者),并因此面对向下倾斜的需求曲线(或供给曲线)。包括各种不完全因素,诸如垄断竞争等。
...Perfect Competition):众多生产者生产____类产品,均 无力控制市场,由供求关系确定价格 不完全竞争(Imperfect Competition): 众多生产者生产同一类产品 ,但有____性,差异性表现在产品质量、性能、档次、规格、品牌、 商标等方面 垄断优势理论(理论内容...
TheEconomist经济学人757条常用词汇总结看完我当场跪下了没有比这更全的了太珍_珍的英文名 ... Compensating differentials 补偿性(工资)差异 Competition,imperfect 不完全竞争 Competion,perfect 完全竞争 ...
不完全竞争经济学 The Economics of Imperfect Competition ; [经] Economics of Imperfect Competition
不完全竞争市场 imperfectly competitive market ; imperfect competition market ; monopolistic competitive market
不完全竞争者 Imperfect competitor
不完全竞争市场理论 Imperfect Market Paradigm ; not perfectly competitive market theory
不完全竞争论 theory of imperfect competition
不完全竞争市场论 Imperfect Market Paradigm
不完全竞争要素市场 imperfect competitive element market
不完全竞争的市场 [经] imperfect market
The third one focuses on the static comparative advantages on imperfect competition.
参考来源 - 比较优势的动态分析In order to do out the accurate judgment, we must analyze the drugs price incomplete competition market factor and master cause and effect logic relationship among them.
由于药品的特殊性,我国药品的生产与供给是一个不完全竞争市场。 从而导致我国药品的价格受多种不完全竞争因素的影响。
参考来源 - 影响药品价格的不完全竞争因素分析On one hand, product market competition decreases the firm’s expected profit and thus lowers the firm’s possibility of getting funds from capital market. This is the profit decreasing effect.
参考来源 - 企业融资结构与产品市场策略——理论模型与实证分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Therefore it could be described as an imperfectly competitive market.
The electricity market is not perfect competitive, the power suppliers will try to increase their own profits by developing bidding strategies.
Electricity spot markets are Imperfect competitive markets. Power generation firms always pursue maximum profits through bidding strategies.
The outcome we believe I think, is that imperfect competition should look something between monopoly and perfect competition, it shouldn't look like perfect competition.
The "but" is that there are other ways we could model imperfect competition, and, as we're going to see today, they yield different answers.
If they're not at the competitive output they could undercut price and take the entire market.