)与杜邦公司(DuPont Co.)达成一项合并协议以后,有关先正达也将寻求合并的市场猜测情绪有所加强,陶氏化学与杜邦合并后将创造出一家市值超过1000亿美元...
Greens attacked him, saying his new varieties used too much water and costly chemical fertilizer; his link with DuPont was noted.
短期承包商- - -承包商与苏州杜邦签有短期工作合同,当合同所规定的工作结束后承包商将离开公司。
Short term Contractor - Contractor who has signed the short term contract with DSPC, and will be outside DSPC after fulfilling the job.
长期承包商- - -承包商与苏州杜邦签有长期合同,此类承包商将长年累月在公司工作直至合同取消。
Long term Contractor — Contractor who has signed the Long term contract with DSPC, and will continue to do the job on a regular basis until the termination of contract.