...基因中,糖皮质激素受体A F21 特异延伸因子基因属于真核细胞的翻译延伸因子类 基因, 与糖皮质激素受体( glucocorticoid receptor , GR) 的翻译过程有关,影响着 GR 蛋白的表达。
The interactions between BAG-1 and glucocorticoid receptor(GR)were detected with immune co-precipitation.
Szyf发现鼠仔接受的母性关怀越多,与糖皮质激素受体基因结合的NGFI - A就越多。这证实了他的猜想。
This suspicion was confirmed when he found it is also the case that the more maternal care a pup receives, the more NGFI-A it has bound to its glucocorticoid-receptor genes.
与之相反,L -甲硫氨酸增加了甲基化水平,从而减弱了正常老鼠中糖皮质激素受体基因的表达,导致了恐惧、焦虑和对压力的强烈反应。
By contrast, L-methionine increased the level of methylation and thus reduced the expression of the gene in animals with loving mothers, and led to fear, anxiety and a heightened response to stress.