《燃烧吧!小宇宙》是一张以爱和梦想、勇气与冒险为主题的专辑,“牛奶@咖啡”不拘守于任何音乐形式,他们开放式的创作理念 天马行空般的将各种音乐元素化为悦耳动听的旋律,并通过童话般的音乐语言讲述了一个个浪漫动人的故事。“牛奶@咖啡”的音乐里即有对生活的赞美,也有成长路途上的期待憧憬,他们在自由、飘逸的想像空间里挥洒才华,用音乐记录青春。
We were sad to leave our fairytale lodge for the harshness of the ordinary world, where the other side of Russia confronted us all too suddenly.
Feast your eyes and soul on these ten amazing artworks, made from otherwise ordinary objects, proof of how art can make us see the world differently.
Maintain friendships. In this world right now, there is a great tendency to move you to one side or the other, and be in conflict.