... 我的个人资料 My Profile ; My Personal Data 个人资料管理 LockBox 个人资料管理者 Personal Info Managers ...
个人资料管理者 Personal Info Managers
个人笔记资料管理软件 myBase Desktop
个人信息资料管理 personal information manager ; PIM
Google +帮助管理隐私的另一种方式是,允许个人资料从搜索结果中排除。
Another way Google + helps with managing privacy is that it allows profiles to be omitted from Google search results.
Bob Drebin是该公司ATI图形产品小组的前首席技术官,他在个人资料上暗示他现在是苹果公司一个小组的高级管理人员。
The former CTO for the company's ATI graphics product group, Bob Drebin, has indicated on his LinkedIn profile that he is now a Senior Director for an unnamed group within Apple.
I agree to provide the television and Entertainment Licensing Authority (TELA) with opinions on television and radio broadcasts and I have no objection to the handling of my personal data by TELA.