风行病学调查分析表明[1-3],细菌性中毒仍是食源性疾病的首要来历,而海产贝类中副溶血性弧菌(Vibrio Parahaemolyticus,VP)的污染是其导致食物中毒的要害环节。
目的 了解中国部分水产品中副溶血性弧菌毒力基因的分布情况。
Objective To study the distribution characteristics of virulence genes in Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from seafood in China.
结果:所检测的小龙虾和呕吐物中副溶血性弧菌均为不致病性副溶血性弧菌。 小龙虾分离菌株对替卡西林和头孢噻吩耐药。
Results:The two strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates were non-pathogenic, and the strain isolated from small lobster was tolerant to ticarcillin and cephalothin.
The detection rate of Vibrio parahaemolyticus is 20.00%, Vibrio vulnificus 10.00%, Listeria monoeytogenes 5.00% in aquatic products.