...(Chad) 喀麦隆(Cameroon) 佛得角(Cape Verde) 科摩罗(Comoros) 开曼群岛(Cayman Islands) 中非共和国(Central African Republic) 圣诞岛(Christmas Island) 科科斯(基林)群岛(Cocos [Keeling] Islands) 刚果金(Congo) 库克群岛(Cook Islands) 库拉索(Curaca...
非洲领导的中非共和国支持特派团 the African-led International Support Mission
中非共和国国旗 flag of the central african republic
Health facilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Somalia, the Central African Republic and the Gaza Strip are among those that have been caught in the line of fire.
The statement also condemns the killing of South African soliders, 13 of whom were killed on Sunday while acting as peacekeepers in the Central African Republic.
This year has witnessed good examples of tight aid coordination to support fragile transitions in Liberia, Sudan, Haiti, Timor Leste and the Central African Republic, according to Cliffe.