...性及其经济效应_预测_文本期刊-便利站 关键词:中韩FTA;可行性;经济效应;阻碍因素;战略选择 [gap=943]Key words:China-Korea FTA; feasibility; economic effects; barriers; strategic choices ..
建立中韩FTA Korea-China FTA
The author first reviewed and forecasted the cooperation in economy and political between two countries, suggested that China-Korea FTA is an inevitable trend of common development.
参考来源 - 中韩建立FTA对环渤海区域产业布局的影响研究The fifth part is Chapter VI, is the policy recommendations about establishment of China-South Korea FTA, Mainly deficit reduction measures to reduce friction measures to attract investment measures and strengthening bilateral economic and trade cooperation.
参考来源 - 中韩建立FTA的经济效应与可行性分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress