They would attack every possible leader with scandal and abuse.
Danny steps up to be leader, as the gang head to LA in an attempt to sell the Hollywood sign.
He chose Judah as leader, and from the house of Judah he chose my family, and from my father's sons he was pleased to make me king over all Israel.
Okay, now suppose you are the Oikistes, you've gotten the permission from your city to go forward, and you go to the Delphic Oracle and the Delphic Oracle says fine, by all means, go where you want to go.
好吧,现在假设,你被选为Oikistes,即被选出来建设城邦新殖民地的首领 你得到了向前行进的许可,然后你去了特尔斐神示所,神谕说一切顺利,这意味着,你想去哪都可以