We are twelve billion light years from the edge我们距离时间的尽头有一百二十亿光年 That's a guess也许吧 No-one can ever say it's true没有人知道 ..
也许吧以后 Maybe later ; Perhaps after
也许明天吧 maybe tomorrow
也许不吧 nah
也许吧我很无能 Perhaps I am very incapable ; Maybe I am incompetent
也许吧宝贝 Maybe Baby
也许下一次吧 maybe another time ; Maybe some other time ; maybe e another time
也许是吧 Perhaps ; Perhaps it isn't it ; could be
也许下次吧 Maybe next time ; Perhaps next
以后也许可能吧 It may be possible after ; Perhaps it later ; It might later be
"Perhaps, but my prince has the most virtue," Ella said. "And that's what counts the most."
So, they took away that gold foil and said is just the alpha particles hitting it some other way?
And I have taken several classes with Herald Bloom, who is probably the most famous professor here
Deny thy father and refuse they name, or if thou wilt not, be but sworn, my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet." She's a Capulet.