... The summer knows夏天知道 It Might be you也许是你 Cinema Paradiso suite新天堂乐园组曲 ...
也许是你的朋友 Perhaps your friend ; Perhaps it is your friend
也许是你疯了 Maybe you're crazy
哦也许是你 oh may be you
也许是你怕了 Perhaps you are afraid of
也许是你的最爱 Maybe it's your love
向我表明也许是你 it's telling me it might be you
也许你只是书中的虚幻 Sau inchipuit din printr-o carte
我想这也许是你的原因 And I'm thinking it might be you
也许你是对的 Maybe you are right ; Perhaps you are right ; Perhaps you are of the
It may be that your property has a stunning view, or perhaps it has a kitchen or bathroom to die for.
Perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures.
It's a fairly recent understanding of Maybe you can just give us a little time line of what human rights means.
Because your store might not do so good, if you just first open and no one has ever heard of you,
Some of the novels and stories you read were, it is probable, laid in your own country of America.